Friday, November 19, 2010

First Step of GAME Plan - Week 3

In order to carry out my action plan and get my classroom website up and running, the first resource I will need is webpage building software. After searching on the Internet for information on this topic, I have found a free website that allows ordinary people like myself to build their own website through a drop and drag method. The website is called Blue Voda and it allows for different layouts and methods to plan a website. Since Blue Voda is equipped with short videos and tutorials showing how to build a website, I should be able to learn the necessary information to start the foundation of my website. It will more than likely look plain and ordinary at first because I want to focus on placing all the necessary content onto the website before installing various “bells and whistles” to make it more exciting.

I do not need any more additional information at this time because I merely want to start building the website and see what happens at that point. I will obviously want to add music and video to the site, but I am sure I can find out this information during a tutorial or perhaps an additional outside source.

So far, I have unfortunately not been taking large steps in the process. I have found the web building software and opened the account, but that is the extent of what I have accomplished. I plan on spending the next few days looking over the site and starting to build the website and I will post more progress as it comes to fruition.

Once more, I am excited about starting this process, and I am looking forward to embarking on this technological journey.


  1. Dustin,

    Your plan for getting your resource is good. Kudos to you for building a website. That will be a great tool for you. I would have the same concerns about making sure you have everything down or all of the "bells and whistles" like you stated. I want to create a wiki site for my students to go to so they are able to add stuff to it. How did you find out about Blue Voda? I hope everything goes great for you on your journey.

  2. I found out about Blue Voda during a Google search. It was one of three web building sites I was looking at. I simply chose Blue Voda because it boasted how easy it was to use, and they also received many good reviews from a wide variety of people.

  3. Dustin,

    You've got a great start there. Reading your GAME plan, my first thought was also about your website. I was going to suggest you use something like to get started with a web site. While this site is very limited and doesn't give you a great deal of creatvity, it would be a place to start as you get your bearings and you don't have to worry about paying for anything or how your site will be hosted.

    Now that I read how you are getting started, I think you seem to have a pretty good handle on it. You've got me wanting to look up Blue Voda now. Do you know how it is hosted? Any costs? The other concerns I would have and suggest you consider are how you will be able to set up thigs such as videocasts or podcasts on your page as well as will you be able to set up blogging on your site for your students or a discussion board?

    Keep it up, and good luck.

    Wesley Rogers
    HS English

  4. Dustin,

    Reading your GAME plan, I myself am interested in this website creator Blue Voda. This is definitely something that I will have to take a look at in the future. I hope that everything works out for you, and please inform us about your progress.

    Mike Palo
    HS World History/American Government
